Structure & Policy
Organisational Structure
Gymnastics Ireland is a company limited by guarantee (CLG)
The Board is elected/appointed every fourth AGM and is responsible for the following...
- Establish vision, mission and values
- Setting Strategy & Structure
- Delegation to Manage
- Exercise accountability to members and be responsible to relevant stakeholders
See below a summary in relation to the Board structure and operation...
- Min 7 Max 9 members
- 4 elected
- Deputy Chair
- Company Secretary
- 2 x members representatives targeted at being individuals who will represent club and gymnast interests from the broad membership base
- 5 appointed via Nominations panel
- Chair
- 2 x members
- 2 x independent members where independent is defined as non-members who have not had an administrative or influential role within the organisation within the past 3 years
- The following competencies must be fulfilled
- Financial
- Legal
- PR & Communication
- Commercial
- One person may fulfil more than one competency
- Quorum 5
- Gender balance – must be 2 male and 2 female Board members
- Term duration 3 years
- Max 3 consecutive terms (member may gain re-election after a break from the board of 1 term)
- Targeted rotation: 3 new – 3 sitting – 3 exiting at an election AGM
- No more than 2 representatives from one club shall simultaneously occupy a place on the Board
The executive/staff team are responsible for the implementation of strategy/policy and day-to-day operation of the company.
The CEO acts as the link between the Board & the executive/staff, advising the Board in relation to strategy and policy development, in addition to directing/managing the staff in the day-to-day operation of the company.