Trampoline & Tumbling
Trampolining: One of the latest members of the gymnastics family, joining on 1 January 1999 as a result of the merger of FIG and FIT (Federation Internationale de Trampoline), but there have been World Championships in trampoline since 1964. It made it's Olympic debut in 2000. Tumbling: Once an international competitive sport, it has been superseded by Olympic gymnastics and has gravitated to school and age-group competition. Tumbling was an Olympic discipline in 1932.
Trampoline - National Development Plan & Guidelines 2022+ (to receive a copy of this a request must be made by your registered club secretary to [email protected])
Tumbling - National Development Plan & Guidelines 2022+ (to receive a copy of this a request must be made by your registered club secretary to [email protected])
For Trampoline Coaching & Judging courses click here...
Gymnastics Ireland High Performance Strategy 2020+ highlights how success will be delivered by Irish gymnasts on an international stage. Click below to find out more...
See the Trampoline & Tumbling competitions calendar below...