*Update* Gymnastics Ireland National Awards 2016 - Winners Announced

7th October 2016, 00:00a.m. | National Awards

*Article updated with details on the 12 individuals beig awarded a Special Recognition Award*

Following a meeting by our 2016 Awards Panel, Gymnastics Ireland are pleased to announce the winners of 26 awards for the inaugural Gymnastics Ireland National Awards. The Awards Panel consisted of Ciaran Gallagher, CEO Gymnastics Ireland; Liam Harbison, CEO Paralympics Ireland and Amanda Kinahan, Gymnastics Ireland Board Member.

Open Nominations After recieving huge interest online from the Gymnastics Ireland members for the 10 open nomination awards, a shortlist of potential award winners was finalised from the large list of nominations received. From that, the Awards Panel chose the winners in;

Club Coach of the Year; Unsung Hero; Competitive Club of the Year; Non-Competitive Club of the Year; Display Club of the Year; Inclusive Club of the Year; Safe Club of the Year, Innovative Club of the Year; Club Social & Digital Content and Club Governance. The winners are as follows:

Club Coach of the Year: Sandra O’Leary – Ballincollig Gymnastics Club Unsung Hero: Elena Romonova – Leader Gymnastics Club Competitive Club of the Year: Renmore Gymnastics Club Non-Competitive Club of the Year: Carrigaline Gymnastics Club Display Club of the Year: Wexford Gymnastics Club Inclusive Club of the Year: Phoenix Gymnastics Club Innovative Club of the Year: Renmore Gymnastics Club Safe Club of the Year: Leader Gymnastics Club Club Social & Digital Content Award: Leader Gymnastics Club Club Governance Award: Leader Gymnastics Club

Closed Nominations Given the high standard of nominees in some of the categories of the awards, the Awards Panel alone decided on these 4 award winners;

Gymnast of the Year; Rising Star; Coach of the Year (International); Coach of the Year (national). The winners are as follows:

Gymnast of the Year: Ellis O’Reilly – Renmore Gymnastics Club Rising Star: Rhys McClenaghan – Rathgael Gymnastics & Tumbling Club Coach of the Year: Luke Carson - Rathgael Gymnastics & Tumbling Club Young Coach of the Year: Emma Hamill – Douglas Gymnastics Club

Special Recognition Throughout the year, certain individuals involved in our sport make a special contribution and have a major impact on the development of gymnastics in this country. Gymnastics Ireland wishes to acknowledge that contribution by presenting those individuals with a Special Recognition Award. Here are the names of the 12 individuals who will recieve a Special Recognition Award for 2016:

Kieran Behan

2 x Olympian in London 2012 & Rio 2016. Ireland’s first gymnast to qualify for an Olympic Games. 2011 World Cup Floor medallist, 2015 European Games AA & Floor finalist & 2016 Rio Test Event Floor silver medallist.

Simon Gale

Personal coach to Kieran Behan. Irish coach for London 2012 & Rio 2016 in addition to multiple European & World Championships and World Cup events.

Samantha James

Personal Coach to Ellis O’Reilly & Irish coach to Rio 2016 in addition to multiple European & World Championships and World Cup events.

Mairead Kavanagh

Category 1 international Brevet Judge, Ireland’s first female judge at an Olympic Games – Rio 2016.

Denis Donoghue

Category 2 international Brevet Judge, Irelands first judge at an Olympic Games, two-time Olympic Judge – London 2012 & Rio 2016.

Colm Murray & Mary Murray

Husband and wife gymnastics commentating duo for RTE Rio 2016 coverage, Mary in Dublin RTE studio & Colm technical in Rio.

Stephen Condell & Les Culliton

Both Stephen & Les are being recognised for their key support & dedication to the development of the national events programme over the past number of years. Stephen for the development and management of the Gymnastics Ireland score system used at all competitive events & Les for his logistical support around scheduling/development of competition rotational structure for the Trampoline discipline.

Sally Batley, Kim Kensett-Friar, Michael Hughes, Kristina Rangelova

These National Performance Coaches are being recognised for their huge contribution to the new national squad systems in their respective disciplines. Working in partnership with our Performance & Technical Manager they have been responsible for restructuring and creating modern and progressive squad structures that will under pin the Gymnastics Ireland High Performance system for years to come.

Congratulations to all our awards winners. Gymnastics Ireland looks forward to welcoming all our winners to the inaugural Gymnastics Ireland National Awards on Saturday 12th November at the Radisson Blu Hotel on Golden Lane.

Further details and information on the National Awards including ticket sales will be announced next Friday October 14th.

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