Gymnastics Ireland 2017 National Awards - Winners Announced

10th October 2017, 00:00a.m. | National Awards

Irish Sport HQ, Dublin: Following a meeting by our 2017 Awards Panel, Gymnastics Ireland are pleased to announce the winners of 21 awards for the 2017 National Awards. The Awards Panel consisted of Ciaran Gallagher, CEO Gymnastics Ireland; Andrew Coulter, Board Member and Sarah O'Connor, Head of Sport WHPR.

Open Nominations

After receiving huge interest online from the Gymnastics Ireland members for the 6 open nomination awards, a shortlist of potential award winners were finalised from the large list of nominations received. From that, the Awards Panel chose the winners in; Club Coach of the Year; Unsung Hero; Non-Competitive Club of the Year; Display Club of the Year; Inclusive Club of the Year & Innovative Club of the Year. The winners are as follows:

  • Coach of the Year – Club: Elisha Colgan - Athlone GC
  • Unsung Hero: Janet Hawkins - Coolmine GC
  • Non-Competitive Club of the Year: Aerials GC
  • Display Club of the Year: Coolmine GC
  • Inclusive Club of the Year: Joint award to Cork Acro & Excel GC
  • Club Innovation Award: Limerick GC

Closed Nominations Given the high standard of nominees in some of the categories of the awards, the Awards Panel alone decided on these 8 award winners; Competitive Club of the Year, Gymnast of the Year; Rising Star; Coach of the Year (International); Young Coach of the Year (National), Club Governance Award, Club Social & Digital Content Award & Safe Club of the Year. The winners are as follows: 

  • Competitive Club of the Year : Phoenix GC
  • Gymnast of the Year: Rhys McClenaghan - Rathgael GC
  • Rising Star: Meg Ryan - Douglas GC
  • Coach of the Year - International: Luke Carson - Rathgael GC
  • Young Coach of the Year : Dale Moylan - Renmore GC
  • Club Governance Award: Sugarloaf GC
  • Club Social & Digital Content Award: DP GC
  • Safe Club of the Year: Renmore GC

Special Recognition Awards

  • Winners to be announced next week-

Congratulations to all our awards winners. Gymnastics Ireland looks forward to welcoming all our winners to the 2017 National Awards on Saturday 18th November at the Radisson Blu Hotel on Golden Lane.

Further details and information on the National Awards including ticket sales will be announced shortly.

Remember to like us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & LinkedIn @GymnasticsIRE or by using the official hashtags in your posts & photos #NationalAwards #GymasticsIreland #Sportstartshere  

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