Gymnastics Ireland awarded Cara Xcessible NGB Bronze Level Award for GymABLE

16th December 2021, 11:35a.m. | GymABLE

Gymnastics Ireland is happy to announce that we have been chosen as winners of the Cara Xcessible NGB Bronze Level Award for 2021 for our inclusive gymnastics programme GymABLE.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have achieved this NGB Accreditation. We are one of only a handful of NGB’s who have been awarded this to date, and it is in recognition of all the work the we, as an NGB, and all our clubs have done together over the past 5 years. I want to say a big thank you to all our GymABLE clubs that have taken part in the programme since 2017 and worked so hard developing and delivering it, and hopefully we will have many more clubs coming on board in the next few years. I would also like to thank my team of Daniel Culleton, Gymnastics Ireland Participation and Club Support Executive and Fiona Murphy (Citadel Gymnastics Club) for all their work this year with GymABLE”. Said Aimi Baker, Gymnastics Ireland Participation Manger, head of the GymABLE programme who last week discussed the great work that has been done over the past 5 years since its launch during an online presentation session with an External panel.

Reflecting on the success of Gymnastics Ireland in achieving the Xcessible Bronze Award; Cara’s Sport Inclusion Coordinator Odhrán Doherty said:

"Cara is delighted to recognise the outstanding work undertaken by Gymnastics Ireland in developing structures and strategies to empower the inclusion of people with disabilities in Gymnastics across all levels of their organisation by awarding them with the Xcessible Bronze Award. It is clear to see the commitment and passion of Gymnastics Ireland towards inclusion and it is great to see the progress they made in 2021, particularly in how they are using the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter, Inclusive Coach Education, Inclusive pathways, Inclusive Club interventions and Xcessible to drive their ambitions alongside innovative programmes to increase participation. We congratulate Gymnastics Ireland on their achievements so far and look forward to supporting them on the next stage of their journey in 2022."

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