Gallagher, Kavanagh & Coulter elected to European Gymnastics
3rd December 2022, 16:12p.m. | International

3rd December 2022, Sport HQ; Gymnastics Ireland officials Mairead Kavanagh & Andrew Coulter plus Chief Executive Ciaran Gallagher have been successfully elected today to various European Gymnastics authorities at the 2022 European Gymnastics (EG) Congress. Mairead was elected for her 2nd term on the Women’s Technical Committee, Andrew for his 1st term on the Trampoline Technical Committee and Ciaran was elected for his 1st term to the EG Board.
Commenting on the successful elections, Ciaran Gallagher said: “It’s great to see the recognition of the work we have done in Gymnastics Ireland through the support we achieved from our European Partners today at the 2022 European Gymnastics Congress. All 3 of our candidates were successfully elected to various EG authorities including Mairead Kavanagh for her 2nd term on the Women’s Technical Committee and Andrew Coulter for his 1st term on the Trampoline Technical Committee, I am also very proud to have been elected to the European Gymnastics Board. I along with Mairead & Andrew look forward to working with our European partners adding the experience & expertise we have developed in Ireland to the development of our sport on a continental level.”
Mairead Kavanagh stated: “Proud to be re-elected to the European Gymnastics Women's Artistic Technical Committee and it is even more special to see Ciaran and Andrew join me on the European stage. It’s a great day for Gymnastics Ireland and I look forward to continuing the work we have undertaken over the past number of years within European Gymnastics.”
Andrew Coulter added: “ I’m really pleased to be on the Trampoline gymnastics Technical committee to support the development of the sport in Europe. Being able to give back to a sport that has given me so much is a huge privilege. I look forward to bringing the experience I’ve developed as part of Gymnastics Ireland to European stage ”
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