Upcoming Club Governance webinar with Sarah O'Shea
23rd February 2021, 10:10a.m. | National

Join the upcoming webinar ‘Club Governance with Sarah O’Shea’ on Thursday 4th March from 6.30 to 7.30pm. Gymnastics Ireland will provide each member club with 2 places for this webinar free of charge and, dependent on capacity may offer additional tickets for purchase on a first-come first-served basis. Registration deadline is Tuesday 2nd March. Please reply to the e-mail sent directly to your club secretary with the name of your 2 attendees.
About the speaker
Sarah O’ Shea is a qualified solicitor and holds an International Masters in Sports Law and Management. She has spent the last 15 years working in Sport and currently offers consultancy services for National Governing Bodies across a range of areas including governance, strategy, restructures, writing governance guides and good governance training for staff, volunteers and board members.
About this webinar
Good corporate governance is widely regarded as a cornerstone of any trustworthy and responsible organisation. This webinar will explore what good governance looks like for gymnastics clubs across Ireland. Areas of focus will include: the importance of good governance, reviewing club structures, and the composition of committees/sub-committees.
Who is it for: Targeted at club managers/committee members, children’s officers & club promoters.
Date & Time: Thursday 4th March 2021 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm
Registration deadline: Tuesday 2nd March
Supported by our insurers Marsh, our range of upcoming 'Club Support Webinars' is part of the '2021 Gymnastics Ireland Webinar Series'. These online events are specifically designed to support developing the operational capacity & efficiency of our clubs, most of which now operate as Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The webinars will be led by key industry professionals plus GI staff/officials.
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