Upcoming webinar "Building & Training Resilience, Grit & Anti-fragility"
15th March 2021, 15:15p.m. | National

Join the upcoming webinar "Building & Training Resilience, Grit & Anti-fragility with David Clancy & Ciaran Dunne" on Tuesday 23rd March 2021 from 6.30 to 7.30pm
Gymnastics Ireland will provide each member club with 2 places for this webinar free of charge and dependent on capacity may offer additional tickets for purchase on a first-come first-served basis.
How to register
To register please reply to the e-mail sent directly to your club secretary with the name of your 2 attendees. Registration deadline is Monday 22nd March.
About the speakers
David Clancy MSc BSc MISCP (Founder and Director of Hauora Ltd)
David is a successful and experienced chartered physiotherapist with clinical, consultation, pitch side and research experience in diverse settings. He has significant sports medicine practice with high-performance culture, professional athlete and non-athlete populations using evidence-based methods, accompanied by strong international research ties in industry and academia. He is the European Head of Medical Care and Performance Services for the Brooklyn Nets and the San Antonio Spurs of the NBA. He has had articles published in peer-reviewed sports medicine publications, presented at international conferences. David is passionate about all thing’s high performance, learning and on-going development.
David is the founder and director of Hauora Ltd. He is the founder and co-host of the podcast ‘Sleep Eat Perform Repeat’, which focuses on high performance – and the stories, learnings, and lessons in that field. David writes regularly and has had opinion articles published in The Times (UK) and The Limerick Leader.
Ciaran Dunne MSc BSc MISCP (Co-founder of Hauora Ltd)
Ciaran is an advanced physiotherapist specialising in MSK, sports medicine, orthopaedics, and major trauma. He has an extensive background and experience in inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy care. He has excelled in a range of settings from Orthopaedic Team Lead in the NHS, to acting senior physiotherapist in leading Private Hospitals in Ireland and in sports medicine physiotherapy with an array of professional teams in the UK including English Premier League clubs. He has a particular interest in behaviour change and management and recently completed the renowned Madden Leadership Gaelic Players Association programme.
Ciaran has experience in elite sporting level both as an inter-county football player and a clinician. Both of which has afforded him insights into the demands and cultures of high-performance sporting environments. Ciaran is a co-founder of Hauora and co-hosts ‘Sleep Eat Perform Repeat'.
About this webinar
Take this exclusive opportunity from one of the world’s most renowned and dynamic companies in the area of wellness and wellbeing. Hauora will deliver a bespoke session on 'Building and Training Resilience, Grit and Anti-fragility’. The focus of this webinar is on you and your personal development. It is a shift away from our other more business-oriented club support webinars. The past twelve months have affected us all in different ways. This session will explore how we can effectively deal with and overcome adversity currently and in the future.
Who is it for
Targeted at coaches, club managers/committee members, children’s officers & club promoters. NB: This webinar focuses on personal development rather than the predominantly business/club development focus of the rest of the series. It is therefore applicable to all club stakeholders over the age of 18.
- Date & Time: Tuesday 23rd March 2021 from 6.30 to 7.30pm
- Registration deadline: Monday 22nd March
- To register please reply to the e-mail sent directly to your club secretary with the name of your 2 attendees.
Supported by our insurers Marsh, our range of upcoming 'Club Support Webinars' is part of the '2021 Gymnastics Ireland Webinar Series'. These online events are specifically designed to support developing the operational capacity & efficiency of our clubs, most of which now operate as Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The webinars will be led by key industry professionals plus GI staff/officials.
Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & LinkedIn @GymnasticsIRE for more exiting gymnastics news #GymasticsIreland #Sportstartshere