2022 - Gymnastics Ireland Year in Review

16th December 2022, 18:56p.m. | National

Irish Sport HQ, Dublin; 2022 was a really big year for our sport, from Gymnastics Ireland star Rhys McClenaghan becoming the first ever Irish World Champion in gymnastics to fully returning to normal operation following the 2 previous years impacted by the pandemic.

Relive some of the 2022 highlights here…

Some 2022 key highlights include...

  • Membership rebounded to near pre-pandemic levels following the very difficult previous 2 years due to Covid.
  • Gymnastics Ireland received a very positive independent audit from Sport Ireland ethics regarding our Safeguarding policies, measures and structures at club level.
  • Record entries of over 9000 gymnasts participated in our national events programme covering recreational through to performance levels including our National Series, GymSTART and GymABLE brands and 20,000+ spectators attended in support.
  • Rhys McClenaghan made history by becoming the first ever Irish World Champion in gymnastics hitting gold on pommel horse in Liverpool.
  • In addition to Rhys, our performance programme had its best year in our history with an array of Artistic World Championships qualified gymnasts including Halle Hilton, Emma Slevin, Daniel Fox & Ewan McAteer, Artistic World Cup medallist Adam Steele, World Cup Champion Eamon Montgomery and Tumbling World Age Group finalists Cliona McLaughlin & Hugo Kinahan.
  • Gymnastics Ireland worked to develop a new inclusive strategy in partnership with the Sport Ireland Women in Sport programme – Keeping Teenage Girls in Gymnastics, targeted at retaining current and recruiting new female teenagers in our sport.
  • Gymnastics Ireland was shortlisted for ‘Best use of Communications Platform in Sport’ for our Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games social media campaign at the Irish Sport Industry Awards.
  • Ciaran Gallagher (GI CEO), Mairead Kavanagh (GI Board Deputy Chair) & Andrew Coulter (former GI Board) all gained election to various European Gymnastics authorities.

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